Saturday, January 26, 2019


Hello everyone, it seems like it's about time for another update :D

The week has flown by, busy as usual, while we work toward version 19.0. Some interesting things have happened, but as far as AW goes it's been business-as-usual. It seems like the U.S. government is going to reopen for a few weeks, so I'll get paid, which is great. I ruptured something my left hand, seems like a tendon sheath, right where my left ring finger meets my palm. Besty has been getting into his family's supply of Soviet super-soldier serum, and of course, GLADyS finally makes a serious appearance.

For those of you unaware, GLADyS is the general A.I. the institute has installed to take over HR and Finance. In case it wasn't obvious, she was heavily inspired by GLaDOS from the portal games, with a touch of HAL 9000 for her ever-present cameras. For some reason, her personality cores with their cooling gel amniotic sacs and gold direct-interface connectors ended up looking a bit naughty, but that's totally a coincidence.

The Institute: we do what we want, because we can.

I suppose it's time to show off a little of what we've worked on this week... Besty's been hard at work implementing nightwear, and I've added the job mod interface as well as a new job mod for working at Bullseye. I've also done some work on SugarCube, adding in support for native image arrays in the primary parser, as well as some other improvements to the source and build tools. I also did some more work on the AW API, adding a huge quantity of variables to the documentation.

Here's a totally random assortment of preview images!

Possibly a repeat, this is a look at what the API looks like

The screen you see after you apply for a job utilizing the RAPES terminal

Shopping for a job using the RAPES terminal, it's not possible to change jobs during the game!

Just some updates to the build/compile PowerShell script for creating the final .HTML game file. Now with color! :P

The rapes office is where you go to find a new job, it's located in the town hall building. It is also your interface to signing up for a mod job, or a non-standard job like Maid Pouffiasse.

Each job has it's own cover image to spice things up a bit... The bullseye cashier job has several interesting events for you to encounter while you work there.

 An example shoe icon
An example of a nightwear icon, though a little on the frumpy side.

Well, that's all for tonight, it's gotten quite late.

Have a great weekend!


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The Expecting Release - v1.27

  Here we are again. Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink? No, I'm joking! ...