Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sexy Nurse Update


Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've done a general status update. I kind-of miss them, but at the same time, I also realize that there isn't much "new" to talk about in them. I do miss the ability to keep everyone up-to-date on what we're working on, and the current craziness going on with the AW dev team. I think because I got used to writing massive update posts that explained how systems worked and the ideas/concepts behind them, writing a small post felt underwhelming, and I wasn't sure what to write.

It's high time I got over that! So I'm going to try and write more short updates, only a couple paragraphs, and probably with just a standardized post image that I'll reuse for updates (as fun as it is, it does take up time to make post images). I will continue to make custom images for each version release... I'm not willing to give that up yet! :D

And now for the elephant in the room... the release delay. For those that aren't aware, I always post the release date for the next version on the "Upcoming Releases" page the same day we have a release. I feel that having a firm target/deadline that we're publicly accountable for has helped us stick to a solid schedule over the years, even if it usually just amounts to "the Saturday of the first full week of the month". I've never liked lackadaisical release schedules where you either don't know when the next release will be, or you never know how many delays there will be to the planned date.

In any case, for this release I was already worried that we might not make our planned release date, so I left a note on our upcoming releases page that there might be a delay. Basically because Besty and I are continuing work on the sex system this month with the more complex items, and we already had something of a mad rush to hit our 1.03 deadline due to integrating our work, testing, and debugging before the release.

But then my wife gave me covid, which put me out of action for nearly two weeks, despite being fully vaccinated and taking the Paxlovid antiviral treatment. To be honest, I'm still not back at 100%, but I'm doing well enough to get back to work. While it sucks that I didn't get to be part of the crowd with a 1 week duration, I'm mostly just happy that I didn't develop any severe complications. Due to my lung issues from my time in the military, I'm part of the group that's more susceptible to developing severe covid... so I'll just be happy with what I got!

So basically, we have a lot of catching up to do. It'll be a very tight squeeze to hit the June 11th deadline, but we'll do our best!

Thanks for your patience, and double thanks for supporting Accidental Woman!



  1. You shall be whipped a thousand times with a wet noodle for this impertinence. :P

    Feel better soon.

  2. Try not to push yourself to much


The Expecting Release - v1.27

  Here we are again. Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink? No, I'm joking! ...