Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Bathtime Release - version 1.28


I'm not sure how many of you read this, or at least read it regularly (perhaps I should do a poll?), but if you've read the last few change logs, it's probably pretty obvious that things have been fairly crazy in 2024. Normally I'm pretty careful to stay just inside the line between working a lot and working too much. That hasn't really changed, though as usual I occasionally step over the line as needed before jumping back.

I kept up my usual pace... but with everything going on, I think it was too much. Not too long after the 1.27.2 release, I thing something mental broke and suddenly it's burnout city. It took me a while to realize, I guess because it has been years since it happened. In the past few years, every time I was getting close to burnout I managed to catch myself before it was too late, and avoid it.

Basically, it just makes it really hard to work. There's some sort of disconnect between mind and emotions... I have ideas, I know what I need to do... and I just can't seem to actually do it. Motivation goes to zero, and you find that you have the focus of a hyperactive squirrel. As a result, despite spending the same amount of time working... you get a fraction of what you'd normally do done. Then you get increasingly anxious about it, but that only makes it worse.

I started on the mechanics for hucow milk quotas, to finally get that and the player's income/debt working. Not exciting, but necessary. But finding it increasingly difficult to do, I finished up part of what I was on, and tried to move on to something fun and creative, a tactic that would usually get me going again. That ended up being the Ruttin' Roulette gameshow. I got excited about it, made images, created the concept for the game and the player being a contestant, coded some stuff, wrote some stuff... and a week ago just really hit that burnout wall. So milk quotas and game shows didn't get finished into a playable state.

Luckily other work was proceeding apace, and I did actually get stuff done up until it was too much. Just not everything I wanted to be done. Hucow mechanics should be there in the next release, but I've also got to figure out how to recover before it really gets in the way of AW. I'm told a short period of forced relaxation is in order, so I'll try that after today.

Thanks for your support, let's get on with it.

Change Log

Words: 3,612,518 (24,723,718 characters)
Code: 189,269 lines of TypeScript

  • A bunch of fixes, such as the disappearing maid uniform. Besty and I both worked on them after the last bugfix release.
    • There is a bug that seems to be fairly rare that's been quite hard to figure out the cause of, and thus fix. I didn't finish solving that one. You'll now be notified when an NPC you have a relationship with suicides (quite rare), so if a NPC you're dating suddenly disappears and you don't get a message from the APD, you'll know that's the bug. If you have time, share a save from the night before on discord.
  • New Mrs. Fubb's Parlor ad when wasting time on your phone. ("Read Something")
  • New Appletree Fire Department fundraiser ad when wasting time on your phone.
  • When playing as a hucow, you now have the option during orientation to choose whether you want male bulls or futa bulls. (The option is at the same time as choosing hucow difficulty.)
    • You can't switch back and forth, different NPCs are generated depending on your choice, so it's a one-time thing. Likewise, if you load an existing hucow save from an older version, you won't be able to change to futa bulls.
    • Events and such have been modified to allow futa bulls and use the correct pronouns.
    • Futa bulls aren't really a thing (yet) canonically, but it's fun enough to add in. :)
  • Reorganization and centralization of lactation code, which was previously spread out in different objects (such as breast calculation, player status functions, and activities). Also some minor improvements to this functionally during the process.
  • New code for long term calculation of lactation in the player and NPCs (hucow and not), incorporating the mechanics that cause the player's actions to influence production.
  • Code for generating a quota specifically for a hucow player character, which is the game mechanic where the PC has to keep up with a rising quota, that incorporates the actual potential production, max potential production, and influenced by typical hucow growth.
    • We want different players to be able to go more at their own pace while still pushing them towards full hucowness. Arbitrary quota numbers suck.
    • It also allows a lot more game impact from how well you milk yourself/maximize production (or sabotage it).
    • not a lot of point going into detail because it's mostly invisible.
  • Added a toggle to the system settings to disable JavaScript UI scaling.
  • Added Rutting Roulette to the game.
    • A gameshow.
    • It can show up on TV during a certain part of the day (in the simple TV format, not a full scene)
    • There is an ad when wasting time on your phone that informs the player they'll be filming in Appletree on certain days.
    • Can visit the stadium and be part of the audience on filming day, but the content isn't complete.
      • Currently ends before it's decided if PC will be a competitor, or if she just watches with the audience.
  • Added a long erotica story to the game, can be found by discovering a data chip in the mailroom. 
    • Odds of finding depend on whether character is perceptive/oblivious.
    • 12,000+ word story about a life streamer, set outside of Muschi Valley.
  • New CG card: Tit job! Can be used in "oral" poses. Requires boobs big enough to wrap the partner's cock between them.
    • Feel free to propose new cards to the game. It's pretty easy to add them.
  • CG Condom Mechanics fixed and should work fine now.
    • Works with any condoms if you have it in your inventory.
    • Sabotaged condom mechanics will be implemented later.
  • New random events and stuff in the COOP.
    • Many new location details (Can be seen by clicking the top location image) in the Barn area.
    • Some random encounters in the Dorms area. (500-2000 chars each).
  • Evangeline NPC stuff:
    • Storyline finished, additional scene with her. (9000 chars).
    • After the storyline finishes she becomes a real NPC and you can befriend her and whatnot.
    • Can be met at the barn area at day and at the dorms in the evening.
  • New social hucow events happening during the jobbing. (4500 chars).
    • Regarding Evangeline and also Queenie the "Corral" bartender.
    • Some moral choices affecting your position in the herd.
  • New hucow punishment scenes!
    • The ones happening if you haven't break the rules enough to get to Abigail but still is a bad girl.
    • Forced to stretch your pussy in a workout way. (7000 chars).
    • Being diligently cleaned inside. (6500 chars). Enema content, requires the specific gate in the settings to be turned off.
  • Small random stuff
    • New junk mail.
    • Some more stuff I can't remember already.

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The Bathtime Release - version 1.28

  I'm not sure how many of you read this, or at least read it regularly (perhaps I should do a poll?), but if you've read the last f...