Tuesday, August 28, 2018


It feels like I've been working on the TypeScript and restructuring changes for an eternity. And while there has been a ridiculous number of speed bumps, mostly thanks to the TS conversion, the end result is quite nice. Sometimes those speed bumps have felt a little more like pillowcases filled with nails and broken glass though... Today I was at wit's end, after a little over two hours of completely inexplicable problems during testing. As it turns out, the TypeScript compiler--both watch mode and standard tsc--was just claiming to have compiled the TypeSc, ript into JavaScript. Of course it wasn't actually doing it...

So I'd make changes, put in checks, and generally do things to try and figure out a certain problem... and it would have no effect. or a couple random things would be compiled, but other changes wouldn't. Eventually I just deleted all the built JS to force it to fully compile everything, and then suddenly everything started working :P

On Patreon I'm attaching a giant document, I figure I'll restrict it for now to $5+ patrons, but eventually I'll post it publicly when things are more finalized and I've had some time to properly add links and a table of contents and all that...  Originally it was about 10 pages and 27,000 words, but I've trimmed it down to pure specification data making it considerably smaller. If you want an insanity-inducing look at what goes on inside the game, you can take a look. It lists almost all the game's functions, and most of the class/method information. It's enough to use them if you wanted to when making a mod, and there's a lot to be gleaned about the data structure for things like NPCs. (Towards the end is the NPC class structure, which gives you an idea of the kind of data behind each NPC, and what will be possible with them.)

A lot of the information, truncated as it is, is basically something like this example in the setup.time object:

Those things with the () are functions. (It follows TypeScript syntax, there's plenty of info on it available online, it's not too complicated when you get the hang of it.) the add function there requests "addMin" a number, which is the number of minutes to add to game time. It also has an optional "disable" argument, which is a boolean (true/false), and disables status updates for the added time when true. At the end you see void, which is what it returns... in this case, nothing. The daytime function near the top, however, returns "N" for night, "D" for day, "SR" for sunrise, etc. 

Other News:

I got some bad news at the doctor's office yesterday, which is really my own fault. It seems that I have tachycardia, and anxiety/stress + chronic fatigue is a likely culprit. On the bright side, it does explain the dizzy spells and other issues I've been having lately, so at least I know what's going on. My resting heart rate was between 108 and 121 bpm while I was at the doctor's, they took my pulse a few times. It seems my heart rate had been elevated at my last visit too several months ago, so that forms a trend.

I'll have to wait to find out more, I'm supposed to track my pulse until my next appointment, and possibly get an ekg done. I'm not planning on any drastic changes for AW or anything new, I just wanted to share so that you all know what's going on. I do need to step up my efforts to improve my work habits/hygiene, and separate work on AW into more discrete chunks so that it's easier to manage when I should be working and when I should not be working. And of course, I'll be continuing my plans to do some therapy/CBT training to help manage stress and anxiety better.

Those guys on discord keep telling me that it won't do anyone any good if I work myself to death, so my "hey, I'm an erolich, I'm undead so it's fine." excuse isn't working anymore, lol. Anyways, it makes a good motivation to commit to healthy changes, and I've got some great people on the discord server also helping out. (or getting me to design potentially lethal-strength vibrators...)

So that's it for tonight, see you again on Thursday!


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The Expecting Release - v1.27

  Here we are again. Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink? No, I'm joking! ...