Sunday, August 12, 2018

Just Some Besty Virus

Hello there everyone, I'm back, and I'm significantly less tired today. I know that picture up there probably makes about zero sense, it's just some random Discord stuff that's kind-of has a life of its own. It probably wouldn't make any sense if I tried to explain it, but you can always stop by Discord and say hello. It's weird there, and more than a little insane, but that's what makes it fun!

Today I did more work on the AI, as well as some housecleaning, and some more adapting to TypeScript. First I'll give you a look at the training interface, which happens to be completely functional:

It's not the prettiest thing, but I think it's serviceable. Particularly when it's not really part of the final game. It lets you see the details about the query, as well as the personality information of the NPC. There's also a full set of instructions:

I need to finish writing the information on the query tags themselves, as well as the personality values. It's really easy to underestimate the amount of work stuff like that requires...

TypeScript is essentially JavaScript with type information (they type of variable, such as number, string, array, etc). It's a change I've been meaning to do for a while now. The TypeScript is compiled into JavaScript files, so the the game itself doesn't change, but it helps to catch errors and provide information. In particular, with intellisense in VScode (or something similar in another editor) you can see function and method argument names, and what type of variable is expected, while writing code. This is really useful when you're working on something like Accidental Woman which has about 55,000 lines of JavaScript! Basically, it's just making things a little more efficient and easier to debug. 

Well, that's it for now. I'm going to keep working to get a solid 13.5 release for you in a few days :D

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The Expecting Release - v1.27

  Here we are again. Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink? No, I'm joking! ...