It's time for the first poll topic: Fertility & Reproduction. It's no secret, but in case you didn't know, risky/impreg is my favorite kink. That being the case, it definitely wouldn't be something I'd skimp on! In fact, I have plenty of fun content planned that involves pregnancy in one way or another, from a job at Progenerate Technologies GmbH, to an actual fertility cult.
When I thought about writing this post, I had the idea that I should write the game guide sections on fertility instead, and share those. After all, the way things are going to work are all pretty much nailed down, and several items are already in place, so I might as well kill two-birds with one stone so to speak. With an in-depth fertility system, there's a definite need for a guide explaining it!
What I failed to appreciate was just how much there was to explain in a guide! While in a post I can be more general, a guide has to be a lot more specific, and cover more basic things that could normally be glossed over. So... I have a ton of guide material for you that I wrote. Unfortunately, it isn't finished, but the fertility portion is covered, as is birth control. I'll save reproduction for Part II: Revenge of the Baby Swarm. (Or perhaps Baby Swarm 2: Swarm Harder? Leave a suggestion if you want, lol)

One thing I didn't have time for (because I was busy pounding out these over 4,000 words) was much conversion from the twine format to a decent post-friendly format. I've done some simple find/replace and basic formatting, but that's it. It's after 1:30am, and I've been working on AW for most of the time since 9:00am, so I don't think I can hold out much longer to properly edit or format it. However, you will be able to see it as intended in the next release. So without further ado, here's what I've got:
First of all, it's important to realize that real-world fertility is a complicated subject composed of numerous components. As a life sim, @@.head4;AW@@ seeks to emulate reality in many areas; the reproductive process is one of those areas. This means that the mechanics behind the scenes are quite complicated. Despite this, you are presented with a much simpler view of what's going on, ''so that you don't have to worry about the more complicated aspects of fertility unless you want to''.
Because of the simplification, and particularly because of deception and other aspects of "Player Knowledge", fertility may not work the way you assume. There are also many misunderstandings about fertility that could also lead you astray, but educational resources would be a better source than this game.
Why So Complicated?
Because it's sexy! Wait, hear me out. A significant majority of common kinks are strongly connected to fertility. It isn't always obvious based on a cursory examination of the kink itself, but I assure you that fertility is a strong driving force behind the development and appeal of many kinks.
A good place to start if you really want to learn about the subject is A Billion Wicked Thoughts which you can find on Amazon. It's easy to read and doesn't assume any prior knowledge. Though it's limited, it does make a good introduction to the subject.
Many games use a simple system to determine fertility, which makes the whole system rather bland and predictable in addition to being unrealistic. Consider the risky sex kink (and related impregnation/breeding/pregnancy kinks), which is based around the possibility of getting pregnant. Simply having a system that says "if you have sex this week, there is an X % chance of getting pregnant, and the father is just a random choice from the men you had sex with" takes a ''lot'' of the fun out of it. Whether you enjoy pregnancy-related content or not, I'm sure you'll appreciate the positive effects of a more realistic approach.
The Basics
Accidental Woman simulates several aspects of reproduction in order to provide a faithful representation of reality. The mechanics of these aspects are far simpler than reality (of course), but maintain accuracy by utilizing statistics from peer-reviewed medical research. Combined with known interactions and associations, it makes for a very realistic simulation. The different aspects of fertility and reproduction are outlined in the next sections.
In order to simplify understanding of all these factors, they are simplified into a single representative fertility score. The score will allow you to tell how fertile a character is without needed to interpret the actual fertility factors. In character creation, the process is simulated in reverse, setting the fertility factors based on your choice.
General Factors
Age plays an important role in fertility, particularly for women. NPCs have age realistically taken into account when calculating their fertility, and the player character also has age factored into their fertility to a lesser extent.
Base Stats
The odds of conceiving can actually be seen as the result of a series of probabilities. Does X happen? If so, does Y? And if Y does, does Z? I use outcome statistics to verify and calibrate statistics for each of the previous items. 35% is the basic goal for odds of conception under ideal conditions in a cycle.
There are several things in Appletree that can affect your fertility, usually to increase it. You'll have to experiment and see for yourself what those might be.
Female Fertility
It is useful to know that most of these factors are interrelated and are not permanently fixed to a particular value. This list is loosely ordered chronologically, and the order isn't meant to imply importance.
Cycle Length:
This is the length of the menstrual cycle, which starts on the first day of menstruation. The length of the cycle is generally affected by other factors of fertility, particularly the ovulatory process. Longer cycles are typically associated with lower overall fertility. (//In reality this association exists, but isn't always true, there are other potential reasons for a longer cycle.//) The one area where AW differs significantly from reality is the capping of cycle length to 28 days. This is done primarily for game-play reasons, but it also simplifies some other aspects of the process.
A woman's period. You can learn more "here". The length and character of this factor is generally represented in game, and like cycle length is is also connected to fertility, but also has other influencing factors that aren't modeled.
Ovulation Time:
This item is of great practical importance, but makes little difference to overall fertility of a character. Thanks to advancements in medical knowledge over the last 5 years, we now know that ovulation timing varies significantly from woman to woman, and from cycle to cycle for the same woman. Traditionally, it was assumed that the fertile period was contained inside day 10 to 17 of the cycle. We now know that only 30% of women have their fertile window contained within that 8 day period, and that ovulation regularly ranges from day 11 to day 18 in women with near average duration menstrual cycles. While day 14 remains the most likely, this has significant consequences on fertility, particularly with lower-than-expected ovulation test accuracy. AW uses a weighted probability range of ovulation days, based on the length of the cycle as normal. <<message "note">>@@.note;While scientific proof of this is new, women have known of this variation since ancient times, though the effectiveness of predicting it largely eluded women until a CERN scientist started applying advanced mathematical methods to the problem in the early 21st century
Ovulation Odds:
Another area where new research has shaken up old assuptions is ovulation probability. Previously, it was assumed that healthy women that are within the age range for normal fertility would ovulate monthly nearly 100% of the time. As it turns out, this is far from the case. Healthy women in their most fertile age range (approximately 20 to 25 years old) actually only ovulate about 70% of the time. Ovulation odds are used to determine if a character ovulates each cycle at the time of ovulation.
Multiple Ovulation:
This is the probability of releasing more than one egg at ovulation. There are several things that can dramatically increase these normally-small odds, such as fertility drugs or the mutation for multiple ovulation. Multiple ovulation can result in fraternal twins (or triplets, quadruplets, etc.). The higher the odds of multiple ovulation, the higher the odds that more than two eggs will be released. After each egg release, the multiple ovulation percentage is checked again to see if another egg is released.
Vaginal Hostility:
Sounds much worse than it is. Vaginal hostility represents the overall hostility of a woman's reproductive tract towards sperm cells. Sperm must survive long enough to reach an egg, and must remain relatively undamaged to have a long life span. While the acidity and flora of the vagina play a major part, this factor also represents items like the female immune response and the consistency and quality of cervical mucous. Vaginal hostility is one variable determining the number of sperm that make it to the fallopian tubes. @@.note;Other factors affect this process, such as using spermicide or ProCreate lube.@@
See the guide entry on "impregnation" for information. This topic covers the combined mechanics leading from insemination to egg fertilization.
Zygote Splitting:
Identical twins form as a result of a zygote splitting at an early age prior to implantation. Zygotes are given a chance of splitting to match average statistics for identical twin rates. While genetics seems to influence the odds of this happening, there isn't a well established relationship between splitting and other fertility factors. Thus identical twin rates remain relatively constant.
Represents the odds of a zygote to successfully implant into the uterine wall. In order for zygote implantation to occur, it must have produced enough of a signalling hormone to prime the uterus. This is a sort of "quality check" performed by the body to reject unhealthy zygotes. It's also part of the reason why multiple zygotes are created during invitro fertilization, to increase the amount of this signaling hormone. Numerous factors influence the threshold for the uterus to allow implantation, including things like stress and overall health. These factors are included along with overall implantation rate to determine the final odds of implantation at the time of the check/s
See the guide entry on "conception" for information.
Miscarriages are a fact of life, and far more common than many people believe. Approximately 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, 80% of these are during the first trimester. Many miscarriages happen that are assumed to be a late period, but due to the circumstances the true rate of miscarriages is unknown. It is estimated to be about 40-45% of all pregnancies. In Accidental Woman, miscarriages won't happen after the first trimester. While I have no plans to create such content, I won't block it; the potential will be left open for those wishing to contribute more dramatic/tragic content. ''Miscarriages have a toggle setting to disable them entirely'' in the game settings menu! Miscarriages after the first (term-duration corrected) month from the missed period will only be possible with preventable health/status problems.
Male Fertility
Male fertility factors have the benefit of being better studied simply because the gametes leave the body. They ar also comparatively more simple, so require less explanation.
Sperm Quality
A combined factor representing the overall quality of sperm. It represents the percentage of viable, motile, and non-deformed sperm, as well as more general factors such as speed.
Sperm Quantity
This is the (maximum) amount of sperm in a ml of seminal fluid. This is a baseline number, so other factors affect the actual quantity at the time of ejaculation. Quantity and Quality are the two typical ratings used for donor sperm, and make up the majority of fertility potential from the male side.
Sperm Survival
This factor is primarily a measure of sperm's longevity, and is related to the female factor Vaginal Hostility. It's primary purpose is establishing the length of time the sperm remains viable, and therefore how long it will be able to fertilize a new ovum. This variable serves as a modifier to the standard rate of population decline of viable sperm, and a weak modifier to the effect of vaginal hostility.
Sperm Reserve
Without doing a detailed anatomy lesson, this is a measure of the sperm that's ready to be added to seminal fluid in the prostate. Fresh sperm cells are stored near the prostate, and activated for ejaculation. Regardless of how much seminal fluid is produced, only so many sperm cells are available to be added to it. The amount of sperm added to ejaculate by ml is determined by the available remaining reserve in a simple diminishing returns function.
Sperm Reserve Max
The reserve max is essentially the maximum amount of sperm that can be in the reserve. An NPC with a very high sperm quantity could have a small reserve, leaving only one ejaculation to be particularly potent, with the rest having much lower counts. NPCs will always have a reserve max large enough to contain at least 1.5 times the amount in a normal ejaculation for that NPC. Generally, a higher reserve max allows an NPC to "save up" sperm for a night of sex.
Sperm Production
Sperm production is essentially the amount of sperm produced per hour and added to the reserve. This rate is affected by health and status effects. A low rate can mean that it may take a couple days of abstinence for an NPC's ejaculation to reach full potency. A high rate can mean that an NPC can ejaculate multiple times per day at full potency, though this doesn't necessarily mean back-to-back, which is also a function of reserve size.
While not entirely a function of fertility, the presence of sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid is also considered for the purpose of pregnancy. The duration since the previous orgasm, along with the individual rate of production (male equivalent of wetness) determine the potential amount sperm. This is then further adjusted based on the standard factors above. Overall odds of getting pregnant from precum remain very low, but are non-zero. The longer the duration since an orgasm, the less sperm is present in precum. In AW, 48 hours without ejaculating reduces potential zero, while 24 hours is 10%.
Player Knowledge
In most cases, it's rare for the player to know everything the game "knows". Having imperfect information is usually part of the challenge. In simulation games, however, players are used to having a lot more information available to them with which they can make decisions. While Accidental Woman is a simulation, it differs from other simulators in that information is often restricted based on what the player could conceivably know. Unlike a city or empire sim, where details could be provided by some in-universe government agency, there is plenty of information that an individual simply wouldn't have any way of knowing. I believe this distinction is important for roleplay and proper simulation scope. This is a sentiment shared by most other life simulation type games I've played in the past, but it may feel unusual for a player new to the genre. Thus we have this message.
Another important issue is deception, typically deception by ommission. This is also extremely common in creative media, it's practically a prerequisite for plot twists, and you can find it in nearly every top-ten games of the year for the last decade. Because Accidental Woman is a text-based game, information is almost universally conveyed by writing. People tend to be much more trusting of the written word, versus the dialog of an on-screen character in an RPG. Generally the game will present the truth as the player knows it. It won't reveal details that the player character couldn't reasonably know.
The issue is that this can seem deceptive at times. The information display to the right, showing birth control and reproductive cycle, is accurate to the best of the player character's knowledge, but may not be accurate otherwise. Unless the player character notices tampered-with birth control, they'll continue to see a resuring green name. (Though it'll change color if they are suspicious but unsure.) Similarly, the cycle is based on the assumed values from the normal calendar method, and not on the ''actual'' riskiness of the day. Gaining access to a fertility monitor helps alleviate this particular situation, but players should never assume that the information available to them is perfectly accurate. (Just like real life!)
Birth Control
There is only one certain method of birth control in AW: the IUD.
Accidental Woman gives players a wide range of birth control options, just as people do in real life. In addition to the standard options, there are also some near-future options that are presently in trials or otherwise on the way to being reality. There are also some impromptu methods available, in addition to the old "pull out" standby. Just like in real-life, birth control options function differently, and target the same portion of the reproductive cycle as in real life. The different methods have different rates of effectiveness, and different vulnerabilities.
Some NPCs will deliberately try to impregnate others, while some will be excessively cautious about ensuring there are no babies being made. Due to the nature of the game world, and consumer marketing in general, there are also some brands of birth control that are less effective than others. This could be an extra-thin condom "for his pleasure", or may involve certain alterations or substitutions to chemical methods. Get familiar with a local pharmacist if you want to make sure you're getting the ''real'' birth control pill instead of a placebo.
Types of Birth Control
Calendar Method (strict)
[88% effective] This method involves tracking the period and abstaining from sex during the fertile window. As long as you accurately track the fertile window, and measure temperature each morning, it can be relatively effective.
[85% effective*] The cap is a device similar to a condom that attaches via a special adhesive above the crown of the head of the penis. As it covers very little of the penis, it is ineffective for preventing STDs. It does capture ejaculate, however, and prevents pregnancy. It's effectiveness for preventing pregnancy is higher than a condom for structural reasons, but it is more susceptible to tampering and failure to poor/improper use.
[85% effective] A classic, and needs little explanation. As in the real world, a percentage will fail. This percentage will depend on the brand of condom used in game, and the way it is used. (note that the 98% effectiveness statistic doesn't indicate that only 2 in 100 will fail, it considers total reproductive probability, such as day of cycle, etc.) This method is highly susceptible to tampering/sabotage.
Depo Shot
[94% effective] An injection of a progesterone-based birth control agent into skeletal muscle where it is slowly released over the course of 3 months. It has fallen out of favor due to a worse long-term side effect profile, and the fact that newer hormonal birth control methods are better able to avoid the "forgetting to take it" downside to the standard pill, while still being more effective. The birth control shot, aside from being difficult for a partner to verify, is also very easy to sabotage. Several drugs are known to counteract the effects of the shot, including most antibiotics.
[88% effective] A form of female birth control that fell out of favor with the advent of the pill. It has remained in use primarily as a backup method, or a method for rare situations where other types of birth control were impossible or undesirable. It is very effective at reducing the chance of pregnancy if proper procedures are followed after ejaculation, and even more effective if used with a layer of spermicide between it and the cervix. It is difficult to effectively tamper with secretly, though it can be unseated or deliberately placed incorrectly. @@.note;The other use for a diaphragm is to enhance fertility, where it is used to hold or keep ejaculate near the cervix after sex. The concept is similar to elevating one's hips, but ''considerably'' more effective, to to mention more convenient.
Female Condom
So rarely used that they were hard to find even in online stores, and considerably more expensive than standard condoms, in AW they are no longer manufactured for general sale.
[99% effective] A tiny rod implanted under the skin, it releases a mixture of hormones similar to the oral birth control pill, and lasts for a considerable duration before needing to be replaced. As an implant, it is usually expensive, and also rarely covered by health insurance. Because the implant provides a steady dose of hormones, the strength of hormones can be lower than the oral pill, making it a safer option. It is susceptible to the same kinds of drugs that reduce the effectiveness of hormonal birth control. Due to a lower dosage, some women will find the implant less effective. Additionally, a percentage of women experience a range of unpleasant and excessive side effects.
Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)
[99.99% effective] The most effective form of female birth control, it is available with or without timed-release hormones. It developed a stigma in popular culture for quite some time due to a combination of a defective device and corporate negligence. This is the only form of birth control in AW that can't be tampered with, and with a higher success rate than tubal ligation, the only form of birth control in AW that will guarantee you won't become pregnant. ''This is the opt-out of pregnancy option.''
Menstrual Cup
[82% effective] Not intended as a contraceptive device, and much more easily unseated, it might be better than nothing.
Nova Ring
Discontinued for some time due to lower effectiveness, additional side effects, and being suspected to increase the rate of cervical cancer.
[97% effective] A form of hormonal birth control very similar to the pill, but utilizing a lower dosage due to steady skin dispersion. Because it avoids the liver by being absorbed through the skin, it is also considered to be safer than the pill. It only needs to be replaced between once and twice a week, depending on variant. While healthier, it is also less effective than the oral pill due to poorer effect on a small percentage of women. However, because it can't be forgotten and the dispersion is steady, the net effect is higher overall effectiveness. It is more expensive than the pill, and therefore less common. It is succeptible to the same range of drugs that reduce the effectiveness of the pill. It is hard to substitute or tamper with the patch before application, however if removed and not caught at the right time, it can dramatically reduce effectiveness.
[90% effective (new type)] Ubiquitous for decades, it is still a very popular option for younger women that don't need to be as concerned about the side effects. The list of side effects include several potentially fatal items, and the pill is thought to increase the likelihood of cancer, particularly cancers of the breast, cervix, ovaries, and uterus. The pill is also thought to have long-term effects on fertility, primarily for older women. The benefits of taking the pill is considered to outweight the risks by your doctor. Forgetting to take the pill can dramatically reduce it's effectiveness. Taking the wrong medication with the pill can reduce it's effectiveness. Modern packaging makes it difficult to tamper with real pills, but fake pill packets are available for purchase by the unscrupulous.
Pull-Out Method
[78% effective]The pull-out method is often criticized as a non-method, but is quite effective when used correctly. The pull-out method is 96% effective over the course of a year, which is higher than several other forms of birth control. Failing to pull out, or not pulling out because it's a safe day, dramatically lowers the effectiveness of the method. Combined with spermicide, the effectiveness is increased dramatically. There is nothing to tamper with here, but either partner can deliberately cause a failure to pull out.
[99.99% effective] Replacing the older vasectomy, which is rife with complications and side effects, VasGel is injected into the vas deferens where it solidifies into a impermeable plug, preventing sperm from being ejaculated in the same way as a vasectomy. The VasGel doesn't involve cutting nerve fibers, and has no possibility to regrow or spontaneously heal. It can be reversed by injecting a separate compound which returns VasGel into a liquid that is passed in future ejaculations. There is no way to confirm directly that an NPC has been treated.
I make no claims about the morality of abortion, about whether it should be legal, or any other political or ethical connection to it. Abortion exists in the real world. As a life simulation, it makes sense to include it, if only for the potential dramatic consequences or storytelling possibilities. Abortion is only possible during the first trimester, and can be disabled ''completely''' in the game settings menu. This game is NOT a forum for debate about the issue of abortion. Members of the community who start or instigate arguments or confrontations on the topic will be unilaterally banned.