Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tentacle Release Incremental Change Log


Tentacle Hucow?

Here with more bug fixes. Some new, some unearthed from the ancient times long ago.

Thanks for reporting these ^_^

Did you know that it's actually really hard to get good "hucow" images out of AI? I've been learning a bit on the side thanks to Cowbot. It's exciting to think that it's actually possible though, as models with huge perky breasts barely exist, and even those don't really match our AW hucows.


  • Fixed the repeating times on the job selection display for non-hucow jobs.
  • Improved the warning screen when starting the female prolog to further emphasize the graphic content contained in that prolog.
    • Added a back button so players can return to the story selection screen.
  • Added a "what's the difference" link to the description of male/female story on the story selection screen.
    • Popup contains low-spoiler information about the difference between the two stories and that they fit together as part of one whole.
  • Minor tweaks to hucow job application code to be more forgiving when the player has multiple disqualifying items.
  • Adjusted the hucow job application code so that it will always reject the player when pregnant (was previously was possible to squeak in with all other bonuses maxed).
    • Hucow transformation is bad for fetuses. Come back when not pregnant.
  • Fixed a sperm event Anenn fucked up that would impregnate you incorrectly with tentacles.
  • Changed the highest muscle category for female attraction to "She-Ra" to match the male "He-Man" label.
  • Adjusted the character review text in male prolog so that it was less ambiguous about why the player was sleeping naked.
  • Slight changes to breast size word parser.
    • Tweaked descriptors for smaller breasts slightly "downward" toward smaller sizes.
    • Tweaked some of the word probabilities.
  • Fixed a bug that caused NPC arousal to persist after sex, causing them to start future sex scenes super horny and ready to cum.
  • Added new "vulva only" cum results to sex scenes.
    • Several positions/actions can result in the player getting a little cum in their vulva (the exterior happy flappy bits). Usually from ejaculating in that general direction, or from getting cum on the pubic mound and having some run down into the vulva.
      • Example, stand facing each other position, where the NPC penis is pointed in the general direction of your groin/stomach. most goes on your stomach, some on your pubic mound, and a tiny fraction gets in your vulva.
    • Vulva cum can technically cause pregnancy, but is unlikely unless other factors are at play (such as pushing the cum in, or having a vaginal symbiote)
    • Sex system previously treated vulva cum as a creampie, which isn't really correct.
    • New text will state that some of X's cum got in your vulva, making it more clear about what happened.
  • Added a note to the hucow dorm bedroom to make it even more clear that no, you can't sleep yet.
  • Fixed bug where a certain scene in dating in a certain location didn't have any buttons to continue, because Anenn, as usual.
  • Adjusted the npc-driven interactions to be a little more sane.
  • Added arousal reduction in male prolog so that player wouldn't end up with brain damage in certain situations.
  • Fix to a janitor job event where you were stuck and couldn't continue.
    • Also a red banner for a typo. Usual Anenn bugs... Kinda glad he's not adding to them anymore...
  • Coop Home Menu fix (note... really shouldn't be playing with this yet)
  • The cleanliness number in the status record note is now properly rounded instead of having 10 decimal places.
  • Inseminations at the animal shelter can now cause pseudopregnancy
    • Requires the pseudopreg mutation
    • follow on from this is not tested!


  • Content warning screen now declares that all characters are 18+ years old.
  • Character creation kinks menu now shows a total of 25, not 28 kinks. No idea why there was 28 there, seems like a weird typo to make...
  • Fixed bug where job leave/sick leave would not accumulate.
    • Apparently existed since we made it possible to switch jobs...
  • Added new info to social/career menu showing how many weeks until you earn more leave. Also added a note clarifying that some info is only updated weekly.
  • Fixed issue where the studfinder nurse's name would change from Julie to Julia because remembering names is hard.
  • Image in studfinder not displaying correctly was tracked down to image with double extension on it. Will be fixed in next resource files download.
  • Fixed bug in status bars in top right of screen. Milk fullness was being calculated incorrectly as the milk in one breast as a percentage of capacity in BOTH breasts.
  • Fixed a bug in the character menu with the same error as above, just in text form.
  • Fixed a bug where futa characters could not be accepted to be a hucow.
    • was a stupid "x = -1" instead of correct "x -= 1" :P
  • Adjusted hucow job requirements.
    • Being unable to produce milk will hurt you more.
    • Having a high fertility will help you.
    • Futa and previously having kids penalties have been split, so they can hurt your score twice if you have both conditions.
  • Totally redid the calculations for determining breast size when lactating.
    • 85% more science. Size calculations are far more realistic.
    • Breast size will swing far less dramatically over the course of a day.
    • Milk capacity and lactation training are now primary contributors to additional breast size while lactating.
      • Size is primarily a function of gland tissue swelling when producing milk, with the amount of swelling dependent on lactation training (activation level of gland tissue). Milk is mostly inside this tissue, and doesn't really expand it (it's complicated biology stuff, not gonna explain it here). size changes due to milk in the breast filling of the ductal tissue, which is more elastic and grows in size slowly as glandular cells are more "stuffed". This ductal tissue is a big contributor to discomfort from being overly full of milk.
    • Milk in breasts still contribute to size, but at a much smaller degree designed to emulate more natural swelling and shrinking of lactating breasts without dramatic size changes.
    • Was looking at another bug, and had to fix this.
  • The hypermilky mutation is now unavailable if you can't lactate. This is mostly to prevent confusion, because if you can't lactate, it doesn't matter how much prolactin you have.
  • Fixed some Besty typos where "still" was spelled "steel" which sounds correct in a Russian accent, but is wrong nevertheless.
  • The size requirements for lactation ability have been dramatically lowered.
    • AA and AAA breasts have a max LA of 1.
    • A and Large A breasts have a max LA of 2.
    • B cup sizes have a max LA of 3.
  • Having a lactation ability of 4 at character creation (unlocked with mega milk code) will no longer cause the player to start lactating.
    • Breasts with a lactation ability of 4 can generally be thought of as producing a few drops of milk from the nipples with some suction/squeezing, but are not actually lactating. Players can increase their lactation training at the farm coop dairy office, which will start them lactating if lactation training was at zero.
  • Minimum lactation training level based on lactation ability has been adjusted to 4 - LA, so a lactation ability of 4 will have a minimum lactation training of zero. 
    • This is so you can have a very milky character, that isn't forced to lactate all the time.
  • Minimum lactation training for characters with hypermilky mutation is now 1, and they start with a lactation training of 1 if the mutation is chosen at character creation. (previously 3)


This one is smaller, fewer bugs each time, except when we accidentally make more bugs fixing bugs, like with the lactating breast size thing...

Also, I got our bug tracker email setup working! Turns out it was the hosting service changing some environment stuff. If you want to make an account, it should now send you the email to create your password. You can also use discord to report bugs, though we do appreciate the bug tracker reports. www.aw-wiki.com/mantis
  • Fixed the bug caused by changing how lactating breast size is calculated. (forgot to add back in the base tit size value... dumb mistake.)
  • Fixed the issue where the male quickstart would be unavailable despite completing the male prolog.
    • If you completed the prolog already, the quick start should now be available to you without needing to re-complete it to unlock.
  • Fixed a bug where the PC's cycle info would still display how long they have been pregnant the day of giving birth. 
    • Caused because menstrual cycle stuff is all calculated nightly. Now status will show "Gave Birth".
  • Removed the "explore" timer event after the end of the prolog with a hucow specific one. For now it displays an additional warning that the Hucow Expansion is in progress, and not ready for full play.


Some more bug fixes for bugs old and new. I'm really happy that the game is getting better. Keep the bug reports coming! 

  • Friend Hangout "Friends With Benefits" sex outcome fixed, will now lead to sexing, and will also record hangout outcome correctly (mostly relationship love/like stuff)
  • Fixed a couple speech color issues where the wrong color was used.
  • Fixed some Besty grammar.
  • Tweaked the lactation capacity so that capacity can be higher at higher lactation ability values.
  • Updated the timing for the "Oleg caught you stealing" chain when you choose to steal the capacitor component from the warehouse.
    • The notification that he has caught you now happens quicker.
    • You now have a little more time before he decides to have you disappeared.
    • Reminder: find him on the streets to try and work things out if you don't want to be disappeared.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue that I discovered involving backward compatibility. Backwards Compatibility merges flags from your save into an existing flags object. When loading the old save first thing, it does this over a freshly initiated flags object. If loading after already playing a different game/save, any new flag variables added to the loaded older save could have not-default values. Unlikely to cause a problem, but still good to have it fixed.
  • Made a fix to how cheat code is handled, resulting in more reliable behavior when switching back and forth between cheat and non-cheat versions.
  • Hopefully fixed the consumable system item duplication bug.
    • seems to have been caused by the way backward compatibility was rebuilding consumables objects and re-adding items to inventory.
      • This is necessary so that when a new consumable is added, or a consumable is changed/fixed/updated in the new version, that new stuff is available instead of being overwritten with old stuff.
      • Why is this saved in the game save? Because this is one of the few SugarCube things we've used in the game code (though with some enhancements), and SugarCube stuff is just like that. :P
    • System will now handle this in a more reliable (less dumb) way.
  • Added a maximum capacity for any consumable item of 69 upon loading a save with backwards compatibility.
  • Fixed a bug with lactation rates, so it will stop the milk flood.
    • I was using empirical data for breast fill rates, and ended up working with hour time units, which is the base value for the amount of milk generated which then gets heavily modified based on many other factors.
    • I forgot to account for the fact that milk gets generated every 15 minutes, while the base calculations were generating based on once per hour. Essentially, milk was being produced 4x faster than it was supposed to.
  • Made some more tweaks to other lactation values, based on results we've seen.
  • Fixed an issue where data generated each night for NPCs wasn't available/generated when loading a save. Main player-noticeable effect of this is that areas tended to be empty due to lack of schedules for the NPCs to be following to wiggle around the world.
  • Fixed a bug where trying to cook certain Russian food items would always fail regardless of cooking skill.
  • Minor corrections to the hucow orientation text.


There's only a single fix for this one: re-enabling cheats and elite features, because I'm a dummy sometimes. You see, I thought I'd make cheats work more reliably when you're moving saves across versions/builds. Everything was looking good, tests went well, and I thought "let me just run a regex through the code to make sure I catch everything" This caught some things... but also caught a thing it wasn't supposed to... Sorry.

If you're playing the backer build of 1.16.4, there's no need to download the new version. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Tentacle Release - v1.16


It is once again release day!

Some may ask "Why call it a tentacle release, this is supposed to be hucows!?". The answer is that while most of the release is about hucows... Papa Thaum went off on a tangent while fixing bugs and ended up adding a tentacle pregnancy. Basically, business as usual.

Probably the most noticeable thing recently is that we started doing incremental releases with bug fixes. We plan to keep doing that, because everyone likes a less buggy game. Thanks to everyone who has been reporting bugs on our Discord or Mantis server. We'll keep fixin' em as long as you keep reporting em!

Let's get the slightly bad news out of the way first... I didn't get around to adding the new procreative AI to the standard sex scenes. I ended up spending a lot more time fixing bugs than I expected, thanks partly to an increase in bug reports, and partly due to a new tester with years of QA experience who has been helping us out (by giving us even more bug reports). Still planning on getting the procreative AI into the sex system--along with some other fixes/improvements--I just didn't want to sacrifice precious hucow work this first hucow release.

Thankfully good news abounds. Not only is the game more stable, we also got a lot of work done towards the new hucow expansion. There's even a really big chunk of content in the form of a new "second prolog" for when you join up as a hucow. A lot of changes to the job system to allow for the new hotness, lactation overhaul, changes to the male and female prolog for a hucow first job, as well as new content in the male prolog where Lily recognizes what job you chose. A new home, new maps, clothes that actually get properly stained with semen and such, all kinds of things. 

We also posted a incremental change log, which covers a ton of things we fixed  since the last release, along with some minor changes. Normally we won't add content in incremental releases, but some extra stuff for the cave adventure, and a new "mutation" snuck in, so check that out.

Thanks for all your support, without it it would be a lot harder to push through to keep up the pace after losing a team member. I think it's for the best in the long-run, but we've certainly had to do some readjusting. :D



Change Log

Words: 3,197,739 (21,782,949 characters)
Code: 159,385 lines of TypeScript

WARNING: Hucow path is fully capable of being "checked out" along with new locations. This is obviously not complete, however. Perhaps save before selecting it as a job, so you don't wind up stuck in a dead end job you can't quit.

HOW-TO: The best way to see the new hucow/prolog content additions is to start a male story prolog. You can save before choosing the job (so you can see reactions from different jobs). Then pick the hucow job. Experience the hucow variation of the prolog. Read through the hucow orientation event, and then you can poke around a little bit to see the new maps. After that, you can go back to a normal playthrough.

  • Compressed some more of the newer images in the resource files, reducing download size by about 60MB.
  • Made the breast cup size requirement for fertility storm slightly lower.
  • Certain jobs can now reject your application.
    • Currently only the Progenerate and Hucow jobs can reject your application.
    • If rejected you can always apply later.
    • Restrictions and starting rank based on ability to do the job.
  • Changes to the Tentacle Store located in the club district.
    • Improvements to some "species binder" descriptions and information.
    • Changes/additions of small limited bonuses for playing with different species.
    • Now when you gain the "tentacle breeder" mutation it is always visible in character details.
    • Visiting the species that grants the tentacle breeder mutation now has additional scene text based on whether or not your body has changed.
    • The Maria and Marius scene now has a significant amount of extra content describing the results if you trick Marius into giving you a creampie.
      • Multiple variations that describe as your body gets better at being compatible with their species.
      • Variation for results if don't have tentacle breeder mutation.
      • Variation of results for first and subsequent times being successfully impregnated.
  • You can now have a tentacle pregnancy from the tentacle store.
    • See above for requirements, it's a process.
    • New content for pregnancy and birth, as well as discussion with store keeper after she finds out impregnation was successful.
    • I finished the art for birthing eggs, it's part of the birth scene.
    • I finished the art for unsuccessful impregnation, it's in that area.
    • Eggnancy can cause minor lactation gain.
    • Eggnancy has a small chance of giving you the pregnancy kink.
  • Updated the rates of NPC insemination to be higher, and changed the options to be a wider spread of insemination rates.
  • Consuming a drug-class item (Heat, alcohol, cum, etc.) in the Institute particle collider location will no longer cause time to stop.
  • Fixed Bovinex transformative progression so that it goes in the correct order.
    • Note: Bovinex will have a significant reworking and nerf in the future.
  • Changed the background image in certain early game screens so text wouldn't be on top of text.
  • Repeat Note: 2 new bad ends in the cave adventure. New location with cool scene that can give you a cool new power (mutation). Full directions on wiki page. See incremental change log for details.
  • Drug need will now decrease overnight if you're no longer considered "addicted" (addiction value below addiction threshold).
  • Fix to the Hindenburger component quest scene where initiating the scene might not be available.
  • Some improvements to the overnight environmental effects calculation.
    • Now better balanced and responsive.
    • Protection caps to prevent effects from altering player stats beyond certain danger thresholds.
    • Output in the status record is now much more understandable.
  • Clothes now stain properly instead of just getting "dirty".
    • You can now see the substance on your clothing, and how wet/dry it is.
    • (Dirty value is meant to display general grunginess from wearing)
    • Besty did this, so there is a 27% chance the washing machine won't completely remove cum stains from your clothes.
  • Notification messages from clothes getting 'stained' are now more informative.
    • Water tells you that your clothes are just wet.
    • Pussy juices tell you that your cunt got your clothes wet.
    • Other substances tell you that your clothes got dirty.
  • Two new job data sets specified for hucow path.
    • First is for transformation period.
    • Second is for period once you are an actual juvenile hucow.
    • Transition between two will be invisible.
    • Allows us to handle the two portions differently: the transformation, and general hucow life (and push for increased milk production)
  • New job options screen for hucows displaying new possible selections.
    • controls your behavior: agreeableness (how enthusiastic or resistant you are)
    • controls how you manage your lactation during the shift
    • controls your threshold for what kind of sexual partners you will accept during your shift (useful if trying to avoid pregnancy or discipline, also some other effects.)
    • purpose of choices and meaning of options detailed in help popups.
  • Can't quit or be fired from the hucow job.
    • Discipline, milk quotas, production bonus, etc. not implemented, just the initial code for supporting them.
  • End-of-job for hucows places hucows on the farm coop map, rather than sending them to Appletree.
  • End of week budget screen overhauled for hucow characters.
    • food, goods, supplies provided by the farm coop.
  • Added indentured debt and cowbucks basics.
  • Job info hover info panel reworked to display relevant information for hucows, such as your quota, current milk collection, etc.
  • Job screen will tell you are in danger of not meeting your quota. 
    • It won't right now, because quota is fixed at zero until the whole production requirement stuff code is done for second stage hucow.
  • Job selection screen now has hucow job added, slightly customized, with a important special job notice for players who may not be aware that being a hucow is different from normal play. 
    • Also contains information about what sort of hucow stuff is available so far.
  • Some generation adjustments to certain existing hucow characters, most notably Sunshine and Doctor Mya.
    • Doctor Mya now has boobs.
      • New portrait and full body image for Mya.
    • Sunshine breast size and age tweaking to fit storyline.
  • Three new NPCs (not yet specified to generate, interaction currently only in orientation scene.)
    • Laren Oats, director of the diary division. Portrait and full-body image.
    • Clarabelle Rackful, boss of dairy collection/farmhands. Was previously only mentioned as the players boss in the milkmaid/farmhand job. New portrait/full body image.
    • Abigail Crawford, herd manager responsible for discipline, with some other things going on. Portrait/body image
  • New Hucow section added to the game encyclopedia.
    • Presently has some random information on hucows that might be interesting to read. Will eventually be expanded to cover things properly.
  • HUGE secondary prolog event for characters who start down the hucow path.
    • Over 14,000 words. I think it's pretty good, lol
    • Introduces several characters, shows off the farm coop dairy area, and gives a lot of setting information about being a hucow. 
    • Some variations based on starting rank, body, boobs out or no, time/type of joining (first job from male or female prolog, or after prolog), kinks/personality stuff. Not huge variations though.
    • Options when asked to sign your life away by signing your indenture contract.
    • Also happens to explain several things that aren't yet visible. You'll get a sense of what's coming with the Hucow Expansion.
    • Kind-of long, but it feels necessary to give the right kind of experience, especially when adding new mechanics/play style.
  • Lily now recognizes what job you pick in the prolog.
    • She may give some encouraging, excited, or snarky comments depending on what you choose. You no longer are immune from conversational repercussions from choosing to be a stripper.
  • Both prologs change if you choose to become a hucow.
    • Female prolog change is fairly simple. Agent Mann is happy he has less work to do, since you won't need an apartment and the dairy will be keeping track of you.
    • Male prolog change is more extensive.
      • Changes the dynamic between you and Lily.
      • Removes the final resolution in favor of a totally new one.
      • Some changes because you don't need to pick an apartment.
      • Some insight into embracing your femininity.
    • NOTES
      • For the male story, you will still be able to help Lily with her machine. (New types of endings planned based on hucow playthrough)
      • For the female story, you won't be required to help Lily. The main quest will be totally abandoned and replaced with a new ending type. However, right now you will still be asked to show up etc.
  • New method for easy/reliable determination of hucow status implemented.
  • New hucow-specific flags object created.
  • HC split to separate function for primary job functionality.
  • The "Welcome to your new life" image at the end of the prolog has been subtly altered for players on the hucow path. See if you can figure out the difference!
  • Fixed the ball count selection options in character creation and cheats menu so that you can now properly select three testicles if desired/unlocked.
  • New nutrition settings for hucow class characters due to high concentration of semen in the diet. Will provide similar bonuses as cumplete nutrition semen-based liquid diet.
  • The action button to milk yourself (hand or pump) has a lower fullness threshold so it will appear sooner. (60% vs 75% full)
  • Male prolog had numerous links standardized to buttons.
  • The quick action section in the character menu will now only show the most relevant option for hand milking or pumping, rather than both.
    • Both options are always available in the actions menu.
  • You can now pump your breasts when you are away from home.
    • Only works with pumps that are now labeled as "[PORTABLE]"
    • That 75lb monstrosity of a magic milker is not portable.
    • Using a portable pump while away from home will not add milk to your milk cannisters for sale. Milk pumped away from home is wasted.
    • (Milk pumped at work still adds to milk cannisters)
    • adjustments to various areas to accommodate this change.
    • Milking action button will show pump milk while away from home if you have a portable pump, rather than showing hand milking button.
  • New milking scenes when hand milking or using a pump.
    • Different versions are based on how full your breasts are.
      • Pumping normally, while nearly empty, and while empty.
    • Some text improvements.
  • Adjustments to lactation training gains from hand and pumps. 
    • Increasing lactation training will now occur more quickly.
    • Stronger pumps are faster at increasing lactation training.
    • Weaker pumps and hand can raise lactation training to a higher level.
    • NOTE: "full" lactation training level is 7. Levels above this are training beyond what would happen when feeding children.
  • Hand milking will no longer remove all the milk from your breasts.
    • Now more realistically leaves a remainder inside of 15-20%
  • Fixed bug that caused the pregnancy acceleration treatment event at the Progenerate job to occur over and over under certain circumstances with twin wombs.
  • Cows now have multiple facial expressions.
  • Major Lactation Mechanics Overhaul!
    • Breast milk capacity calculation has been completely changed.
      • Originally capacity was almost entirely for fun, and not really based on reality. Basically, most of milk capacity was based on breast size.
        • Breast size has only a limited effect on milk gland size, which determines production rate and storage capacity. Genetics for the general size of your mammary glands is more important. So while smaller breasts do tend toward smaller glands, and larger breasts (obesity size gain excepted) toward larger glands, this is only really a statistical relationship. Genetics for gland development are much more important, so a woman with genes for larger gland growth but tiny breasts could produce more milk than a woman with large breasts but genes supporting limited gland growth. The woman who had the genes for large gland growth AND large breasts would win over the large gland growth and small breasts woman, but not by a lot, and not enough to really matter.
          • Many women have genes that don't allow sufficient growth of mammary glands, (or even any glands at all in very rare cases) and can't actually effectively nurse a baby.
      • New capacity is a mix of reality and fun. This is to bring more highlight toward Hucows, who have different breast (udder) structure altogether.
        • Capacity is now significantly affected by the character's lactation ability, which is really a measure of the character's mammary glands.
        • Rather than a small bonus/penalty on top of this base number for size, size is significant, controlling 1/2 of the maximum value. The idea is to have some fun with the mechanic, while still holding somewhat true to reality here.
        • Numbers are based on medical studies with data about women's milk capacity. That data was used to derive a range of minimum and maximum capacity based on lactation ability (gland genes). some sauce: Daly, Owens, & Hartmann, 1993; Kent et al., 2006
        • The minimum capacity is half of the max capacity. The character's capacity falls somewhere between the minimum and maximum based on a breast size range from 300 to 1200cc per breast with an even distribution.
          • Any breast 300cc or less has the minimum capacity.
          • Any breast 1200cc or more has the maximum capacity.
          • Uber giant breasts in normal characters are now just for fun and sexiness, and do not earn you more milk money.
          • Characters with tiny breasts and huge glands (high lactation ability) will not have their breast size or appearance affected by this, because that probably would be unfun for some people, and just generally not sexy.
      • Hucows have an entirely different capacity calculation.
        • Hucow breasts are not like human breasts, and are more similar to cow udders (no surprise). They have glandular tissue distributed fairly evenly throughout the breast, in addition to a far higher ductal volume as a result. Likewise, Hucow breasts also have connective tissue throughout as well, which gives them far more support than a normal breast and leads to their bouncy buoyant (but still natural-appearing, not circular) shape despite their huge size. Udders are still primarily fat, so nice and soft/squishy.
        • Hucows have no upper limit to milk capacity, and their capacity is entirely based on udder size with no diminishing returns. (we may even need to add in increasing returns due to volumetric growth of milk ducts.
        • Hucow capacity very likely will need tweaking.
      • Capacity is still a major component of milk production, because capacity is directly linked to how fast milk is produced. (bigger glands = more storage, more production)
    • Major overhaul of actual lactation (milk production) mechanic
      • Values of base time to fill breast milk capacity have been significantly lowered to better approximate empirical values. An increase of 166% (266% total value) for normal lactation ability. 
      • lactation ability still gives a bonus to these speeds, but they are less dramatic.
      • Players producing milk more quickly means that they will have to deal with milk more regularly, which is closer to the originally intended effect.
        • Fun fact, lactation speed was nerfed in the past (poorly) to help moderate income from milk sales... capacity should have been nerfed instead :P
      • Players producing milk faster means collecting more milk, which will help make up for losses in milk capacity above.
      • Player weight still impacts milk production
        • "plush" weight value (4) on higher half of normal BMI still provides highest production.
      • Health still impacts production.
      • Nutrition does not yet impact production (planned)
      • Lactation training now has a smooth S curve where differences at low and high levels have less effect than middle levels.
      • Breast milk fullness now impacts lactation speed!
        • This mirrors real-life, where a hormone contained in breast milk moderates the body's production speed. The more milk/hormone in the breast, the slower production gets.
        • Production curve means that the time to fill the breast remains about the same, but production is 50% higher than average while empty, and 50% slower than average while full.
          • when breasts are over-full, production slows even further. This will have the effect of making spills a little more manageable.
        • Players who milk frequently will thus be rewarded with more milk.
        • Currently there is no dwell time mechanic in place. This is planned, so that lowered or increased rates lag behind actual fullness as in real life. This will be important for hucows trying to meet production quotas.
    • Milking times have been decreased dramatically so they take up less of the character's day.
      • Time to reach orgasm calculation has been adjusted for this.
      • It's been made slightly easier for characters w/o sensitive nipples to cum.
      • hucows with developed udders will almost always orgasm.
      • this mechanic will need work to handle milk volume better.
  • All the various areas/buttons that send you home will properly send a hucow player to their dorm.
  • Trying to enter the apartment common area or an actual apartment while a hucow will give you a message instead of letting you go home as with a normal character.
  • Farm Coop map navigation framework finished.
    • Now has 2 sub-maps.
    • Dorm paddock area where hucows live has a new submap that lets you visit various places.
    • Barn complex recreational/shopping area has a new sub map to let you visit various areas.
    • A new dorm room location that will serve as the player's home while a hucow.
    • Many locations are there, but not all, and they are generally empty of content. the focus was on expanding the map and prepping the places.
    • Main coop map was redone to match new submaps/buildings.
    • Dairy building still needs to be split between hucow/milking area, and admin area you normally visit.
  • NPC info screen now works a lot better.
    • Lots of fixes to minor errors.
    • knowledge advancement shows correctly
    • character stories should now actually show like they're supposed to.
  • Anenn tomfuckery NPC-initiated interactions should now all work.
    • At least 95%, Besty promises.
  • Even more bugs I forgot.

This change log took over 3 hours to write. This is why I hate writing change logs. And the more work we do, the worse it gets! Still, it's nice to see all the stuff we accomplished for the month. Thanks for reading, have another tentacle-themed image:

The Springtime Release v1.26

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