Thursday, February 14, 2019

Heart Shaped

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's a bit of an unusual holiday, and the kind of Valentine's Day we celebrate today differs quite a bit from the holiday prior to the 20th century. It is celebrated slightly differently from country to country in the West, and even more different in the East. The actual holiday has a rather strange origin, and plenty of modern-day myths as well. As it happens, there were two guys named Valentine executed by Emperor Claudius II of Rome. They were executed in different years, but both were executed on February 14th. One was a criminal who married a child, the other a devout Christian.

Later on, the Christian--whose death had nothing to do with romance--was declared a saint by Pope Gelasius at the end of the 5th century. This was also used as an occasion to replace the Roman festival/holiday of Lupercalia that was traditionally held in mid-February. This also had nothing to do with romance, all the way until the 14th century when some confusion of people named Valentine, and a few convenient assumptions, saw Valentine's day gain a romantic bent.

Regardless of how the holiday came about, some people certainly seem to enjoy it. If you're one of those, then I hope you enjoy the 2019 edition even more. If you happen to be more like myself and don't really get worked up about it, then I hope it is tolerable for you (and that you're able to please your partner). And for all of you single on Valentine's day, well, it's just a day. Do something you enjoy, and don't fall into the trap of feeling bad about being single on a completely arbitrary day of the year. :D

Heart Shaped

I was thinking about the heart shape, of course, because of the date. It's an interesting shape, and I don't really know much of the history behind it. I do know that when I started thinking about it, I realized some of the best bits of human anatomy can be heart shaped... So that's good enough for me :D

Yep. Hearts are great.

While making the post image, I also discovered something called the "heart-shaped boob challenge" which started in China before the government over there cracked down on it. Still, I like the idea, so I figured I'd share a few examples of the heart-shaped boob. It's basically just a two-hand heart shape, but in this case, the fingers forming the crook of the heart also serve to hide the nipple. It seems that girls of all shapes and sizes can take part, as well, at least based on Google Images...

Feel free to share your own heart-boobs with your significant other, everyone loves the gift of boobs, after all! You can even send it to the AW team if you'd like your boob heart to make it into the game somewhere (anonymously, of course). XD


Not anything too major, but I thought I'd share with you a utility I added into the game late one night.

The basic idea is what it says in the image, it displays all the game images stored in the resource files, along with the image key, and dimensions of the image. This should make customizing images in your game considerably easier, as you can find the image you want to replace visually by scanning through the images. Once you know how big to make the replacement, and what it should be named (the key), it's a simple matter to use the mod image tool to create your own image replacement mod. :D

Well... I guess I've got to get back to programming dating, so I'll leave it at that for now.

Happy Valentine's Day,



  1. Hey Thaumx, is there a way to private message you? I tried to send you a pm via patreon, but I got the message that I'm not allowed to message you.

    1. huh... sorry I somehow missed this! To the best of my knowledge I have no restrictions on who can message me on Patreon... Maybe they updated privacy settings or something, or just derped. I'll look into that. I'll try to send you a message directly, but you can also email me at :D


The Springtime Release v1.26

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