Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Working Girl Release

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Working Girl Release (version 0.24.0) of Accidental Woman! 

This has been a challenging month for the dev team, so we've spent the last couple days working furiously to get things ready to go. As for a brief update on the recent craziness, my wife is now out of the hospital. She was released on the 4th, which I think is somewhat apropos. Besty has laid his grandfather to rest; while I believe they were prepared for his death, it's always sad to lose a family member.

What's New in Version 24?

This release focuses primarily on prostitution, as far as content goes. There are three different varieties for you to explore. You can take a job at Fairy Tail, a massage parlor located in the adult district. It's a full job that can be lucrative, particularly in the early game. It has several events and happenings to experience as you master the art of the 'happy ending'. You can also become a member of the secret escort service run by The Oldest Profession school, located downtown. Sign up for a class there if you're interested. You can build a reputation as a high-quality prostitute by servicing clients. Finally, you can strut your stuff on a few different "street corners" as a freelance prostitute. There's more danger involved, but the potential reward is higher too. These last two can be done in addition to holding down a normal job if you can manage it.

There was also a good amount of 'Quality of Life' work done with bug fixes and balance improvements, and some system expansions such as enabling female NPC pregnancy and male cum regeneration. We also did some minor things here and there like a new gloryhole sex scene at the Shake & Pop club.

Known Issues:

Right now there seems to be a problem with the backward compatibility system. It uses a rather complex recursive function to apply save data values to an up-to-date data structure, making sure that any new variables have their default value (without requiring us to remember them!). For some reason, this seems to be giving problems with the game flags data. (perhaps one of us added a faulty data structure in there at some point...) It's a difficult error to isolate, so for this release, I've limited save loading to version 0.24 only. Sorry about the inconvenience!

It is possible to corrupt one or more save slots in the game. I've been unable to properly replicate this, but suspect that the issue is related to an interrupted save process. This may be closing the tab before saving is complete, or possibly even switching tabs during a save. If a save slot becomes corrupted, you will experience an error when trying to save to that slot. (This can also happen to the autosave slot, which will cause an error on the sleep screen.) To fix corrupted save slots, use the "Delete All" button on the game save menu, or use the Save Wipe function from the game settings menu (remember to back up saves you wish to keep first).


Words:          1,856,394          Characters:     10,967,088
Code:            177,815 Lines O' Code

  • New Job at the Fairy Tail Massage Parlor in the adult district downtown.
    • Can be accessed from the R.A.P.E.S. Office at the town hall.
    • Has several events including some multiple-path sexy-times (F-M & F-F).
  • You can now join the Oldest Profession escort club to work as a fancy prostitute with known clients and protection.
    • Sign up for a class at the Oldest Profession school to join the club.
    • Make money and build your fame as a high-class prostitute.
  • Be a street prostitute by working the corner in various locations in Appletree.
    • Set your own prices and service clients to make money quick.
    • Being a street prostitute has its share of risks, including the cops and psychos.
      • Having a higher prostitution skill will help you mitigate risks!
    • There are currently four locations you can whore yourself, including the club district downtown, and even the bullseye parking lot.
  • New Emoji added (doom guy).
  • Body liquids & splatter fixed so that you can properly make a mess of yourself.
  • Multiple-path event added to the gloryhole in the Shake & Pop dance club.
    • Some minor improvements to existing scenes.
    • Sex scene with options to request pull out, ask to wear a condom, use your own condom, and more, with some special endings.
    • The scene can restore satisfaction, and other perks depending on your character.
    • Creampies can get you pregnant with a stranger's baby.
  • Implemented curves to key status variables such as happiness and satisfaction.
    • Curves make extreme values (very high or low) more difficult to reach by altering the value of the input in those ranges.
    • Basically makes status values a little more forgiving.
  • Created a new condom break function that can be used outside the sex system to allow full use of in-game condoms.
  • Created new methods in the character fertility class making use easier.
    • orgasm cum extraction.
    • Insemination.
    • refractory regeneration.
    • creampie (with multiple depth/spread options).
  • Male NPCs now track available sperm when orgasming, and cum will 'peter out' after multiple ejaculations depending on individual NPC.
  • NPCs with testicles now regenerate cum nightly.
  • Virile and MegaNuts mutations now directly affect sperm quantity.
  • Added bitch-breaker mutation to calculations for condom break chance.
  • Improved the Cum Class constructor for ease of use.
  • Female NPCs now have active menstrual cycles.
    • Female NPCs will have a period and ovulate according to their fertility data
  • Female NPCs can now become pregnant and give birth using the AW fertility system.
    • Valid semen in the correct orifice at the right time of the month will set this off.
    • A small number of NPCs will still 'start off' pregnant in procedural generation.
  • A new Content Caution message appears on the new game page.
    • Informs players about the need to explore to find new things in the game.
  • Fixed the issue causing time not to pass properly when working.
  • Adjusted the starting cleanliness of the player apartment.
    • Requires less work to get spotless when starting.
    • Cleaner apartment results in smaller happiness impact from an empty & dirty apartment for new players.
  • Corner UI status bars now show happiness, while health and energy bars alternate.
    • Hopefully increases awareness of depression so players are less likely to let their character get suicidal.
  • Changed player home foyer action buttons, removed old defunct buttons.
  • Added diaphragm status icon so that players are aware that they are wearing a diaphragm and remember to take it out. (considering a quick-action button for this)
  • Several minor balance adjustments, particularly to happiness and stat changes during sleep.
    • PC status should now be more controllable with fewer drastic changes.
  • Added new "Road to Muschi Valley" Image to the game prologues.
  • New Fairy Tail ad will appear in the "read something" action in your home living room.
  • Some minor fixes and improvements to game cheats, particularly to status cheats.
    • Current Credits cheat now has a larger increase/decrease value option
  • Added the Escape Hatch system to the game.
    • Intended to circumvent certain game-breaking bugs where the player reaches a screen with no way to continue.
    • There is an escape hatch button at the bottom right of the screen that should almost always be visible.
    • Executes different escapes based on the area of the game you're in to make it as safe as possible.
  • Numerous bug fixes and minor improvements to the game.
  • New options for starting hair length.
  • New "Save Wipe" button in game menu in case player somehow corrupts all their game slots.
    • The process to actually corrupt a save slot is unknown but is suspected to involve not letting a save finish properly
  • Fixes to date and hangout scheduling code to fix unreported bug preventing players from properly scheduling these events (two different bugs).

1 comment:

  1. You might want to consider changing the name of the Fairy Tail massage as to prevent confusion (or other issues) with the popular anime of the same name. People might assume the parlor has to something to do with the guild in the show


The Rich Release v1.29

  Oh hey, It's Thaum. Just a quick note from me in case you were curious. Took 3-4 days off after the 1.28.1 bug fix'n release. Tran...