Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hey, I'm Alive!

Image courtesy of the SlavSquat Tsar himself: Besty

Hello everyone, I'm still alive!

It's been an interesting couple days out here in Guam land, and despite the warning from some congress-critters back in D.C., the island did not capsize. I hear that there's a storm moving into the east coast, so I hope any of you that live out that way stay safe. 

Safety Message!
I've heard that there's a rare species of mimic that likes to mimic generators, and that they've been spreading all over. Be sure to give any not-running generators a solid stab with a spear, or perhaps a few good bashes with a baseball bat before approaching!

We got pretty lucky with this one it seems, it wasn't as bad as initially forecast, so we only got hit with the equivalent of a category 1 storm here on Guam. It kindly waited until passing before turning into this beast:

Still, despite being fairly minor, a large portion of the island lost electricity, telecom, and even running water in some areas. The marvel of Guam infrastructure... but the utility employees have been working non-stop to get things back to normal. We still don't have power or internet at my place, so I'm writing this from work. (The cell network came back up yesterday evening, but is super-slow thanks to everyone trying to use it.)

Hopefully we'll get power back in the next couple days, and our generator does make the wait a lot more tolerable. I just bought another 15 gallons of gasoline today, and it seems a gallon lasts about 2 hours for us. Fortunately I can buy gas at the ANG post, because off-base gas is going for $4.42 per gallon. 

I haven't been entirely idle the last couple days, though it has been a bit tough to get things done with everything going on. Tomorrow I'm going to calculate the results of the survey, but for now I'll leave you with some preview images of the character menu:

Note that the body image to the right there is just a placeholder I whipped up.

That's all for tonight, stay safe everyone!


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The Expecting Release - v1.27

  Here we are again. Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink? No, I'm joking! ...