Friday, September 28, 2018


Download the full-size version of this crazy image here.

Hello everyone, it's time for another update!
I've been absorbed in writing/creating for the last few days, but there's been plenty of other things going on. It seems like this little island is going to get hit by a tropical storm, hopefully all the stuff that would break from that was already broken from the typhoon, so we'll be able to keep electricity and all that. Hopefully. The release is still planned for the 1st of October. If anything crazy crops up, it might end up being late at night for those in Europe, but so far it's running well :D

On the writing front, all the female start writing up to character creation is done. This portion of the story is a lot longer in the female start than the male start, and makes up the bulk of the writing. I'm going to try to have it ready to play all the way out of the prologue for this release too. There's over 17,000 words of new content ready for this release, so there will be a decent amount for you to see in 15.0.

I discussed it before, but it was quite a long time ago now... The female start is definitely the darker of the two, and involves much more of the Institute rather than focusing more on Appletree as the male start does. You'll be able to see some of that in action.

There's also the fun institute test fully integrated into the game.

The super-special career fair is up and running, but most of the informational exhibits aren't done yet... I focused most of the writing on the action, so there isn't a lot of "about the institute" type writing here yet.

Oh, and the OMNI system is working as expected. There's also a display, and a couple status effect type things set up to see...

I'm pretty happy with this little guy, especially considering how quickly I was able to put it together. It's mainly for the story, but it's set up to be quite easy to use, so it'll probably get some use in later scenes. It's basically some animated text effects emulating a basic terminal. Not perfect but still pretty neat. :D

Just a few more days and 15.0 will be out, I hope you guys will enjoy the new stuff as much as I enjoyed working on it this month :D

That's it for now, so stay safe, and watch out for James Bond's incurable MegaSTD.


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The Expecting Release - v1.27

  Here we are again. Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink? No, I'm joking! ...